"We may not have it all together, but together we have it all"

Saturday, March 8, 2008

First Post

I am starting to join the high tech world of blogging. Hopefully I am smart enough to figure out how to make it look cute and actually get pictures on here, and to be able to navigate my way back to this when Joni isn't helping me :)

This week we are still freezing our tooshies off here in the arctic tundra, aka, Nebraska. We are hoping that Spring is coming sooner than later. Here is a quick update on our family. I am the proud new owner of a beautiful black baby grand piano. It was such a thrill to invest in myself.....er my business, and now I have the pleasure of teaching piano on an amazing instrument. Richard is working on many projects at work and staying busy on his Body for Life program. 21 pounds and counting! Go Richard!!!

Matthew performed in a honors choir 2 weeks ago with about 200 other fifth and sixth graders. He was in a group called "Singing around Nebraska." He had a lot of fun, but at the actual performance we worried he was going to fall over from heat stroke. What a thrill to see him sing and sound so amazing with the other children. We will post the audio when we get the C.D. in the mail. He is doing well in piano and is looking forward to baseball this spring.

Shelley is enjoying taking clogging. She is quite the clogger, I hear little tappity taps from the storage room in the Basement constantly. She also is quite the piano player, I can't keep her off the new piano.

Nick, oh Nick, oh to talk about Nick. He is the entertainment daily for our family, he is the most precocious 5 year old, you will hear many things about him in posts to come. Summer is coming, which means he will probably be peeing in the neighbors sandbox, or just on random neighbors trees. You think I am joking......

Holly is talking up a storm and yesterday took a baby doll and grabbed a wipe and diaper. I watched her out of the corner of my eye as she said "EWWWE, Gross, poopy butt." She wiped and wiped her baby's bottom with her wipe with much disgust. Too cute!

I hope that I continue to keep you posted on the events and adventures we have in our life. Right now we are in good old Wakonda, Sd with my parents and lots of family. I feel so blessed to have them so close.
Until next time!

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